Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blog Culmination

I found our blog to be a helpful place for disscussion on topics introduced in class. It is always easier to write about things and the online environment provided an arena in which everyone could share opinions and thoughts. I found this to be beneficial to my understanding of the course topics as well as a good way to observe the remarkable insight and talent of my classmates.

There were a few blogs that I particularly enjoyed. The first posts related to AIDS provided an effective method of viewing the disease through several different lenses. Also, the blogs relating to Project Angel Heart were interesting to read. I enjoyed learning about other students' shifts with the organization, since we did not all volunteer together. And it is always inspiring to hear the testimonials of fellow volunteers and what they got out of the experience we all shared.

Overall, I feel this blog was an effective technique to include in the course, as it instigated thoughful reflections and in-depth consideration of class topics. I enjoyed the opportunity to be open and honest and to hear the candid opinions of others in my class. Thanks to everyone for the additional education that the posts and comments provided.

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